rock star

(redirected from Rock-star)
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.rock star - a famous singer of rock musicrock star - a famous singer of rock music  
rock 'n' roll musician, rocker - a performer or composer or fan of rock music
singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser - a person who sings
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References in periodicals archive ?
That success has been established through their own internet radio shows rather than a major record company - and they remain unrecognised by the general public, totally lacking rock-star charisma.
Surely you can't get any more rock-star than that, given that his band Guns N'Roses were considered the most dangerous band in the world at the time.
The Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya is the perfect escape for families seeking the rock-star treatment on vacation under the Mexican sun.
Tony has rock-star status with my kids and has inspired many of them to download apps so that they can interpret the sky at night.
Following publication of his study on cloning in the May 2005 issue of the prestigious journal Science, Korean stem-cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk achieved instant rock-star status in the world's scientific community.
Zappa fared much better, in part because of one final kink in his life: Though he railed against consumer culture in a glib, rock-star way, he was from the beginning a sharp businessman who knew that controlling the means of reproduction--including running his own record labels and retaining control of his copyrights--was central to his aesthetic and economic independence.