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n.1.One of the Quirites.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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References in classic literature ?
One fat Greek is worth a dozen of them, and besides will keep, which cannot be said of a Quirite. - Let us taste your Sauterne."
Stood young Tibullus the Quirite; astounded and speechless,
Quirites, is conceived as a foreign god introduced when the city is
In the first book, Livy refers briefly to the origin of Quirites, used in classical Latin as a synonym of Romani.
Quirites; De domo sua; De haruspicum responsis; Pro Plancio, ed.
Above this tabernacle in the broken pediment is the bust of Trajan, (36) with the inscription Mentis honoribus quirites exornavit (He adorned the Romans for their deserved honors).
Por tanto, no se deben llamar propiamente 'leyes', sino 'plebiscitos' aquellos que son aprobados por presentacion de los tribunos de la plebe, a cuyas decisiones no estaban sujetos los patricios hasta que el dictador QUINTO HORTENSIO hizo aprobar una ley en virtud de la cual lo que la plebe habia establecido, debia ser observado por todos los Quirites (GEL.