
Related to Pume: pumice stone
n.1.(Zool.) A stint.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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A Cesar Diaz, a quien nunca podre agradecer lo suficiente lo que me enseno sobre la cultura pume, y a toda la comunidad pume de Riecito, que me acogio desde 1989.
Postmarital residence and bilateral kin associations among hunter-gatherers: Pume foragers living in the best of both worlds.
Dabholkar, thought to be 69, was cremated 100km from Pume in his hometown of Satara.
"Pourquai Pas Bylex" For twenty years, the Kinshasa-based Congolese artist Pume has been developing a framework for achieving the perfect duality of words and objects.
Emmanuel Okon, remarked that the PUME may be cancelled if complaints against its conduct by students, parents, and guardians persist (Aliu 2008).
Today, Mark's friends at his old Sunday League side Sporting Pume have planned a memorial football match in his honour.