

a.1.Of or pertaining to the soul; psychical.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
But all excitements are, through a psychal necessity, transient.
But all excitements are, through a psychal [sic] necessity, transient.
The discourse of colonialism has been framed variously as a form of hegemony (Mamdani 1996, Chatterjee 1989); as a form of psychal displacement--with its interstial, liminal and hybridizing potentials (Bhabha); as an imperial discourse of power and domination (Said), and even as a form of colonial desire (Young).
Thou art a Poet, and thy aim has been To draw from every thought, and every scene Psychal, and natural, that serene delight Wherewith our God hath made his worlds so bright, The sense of Beauty--the immortal thrill Of intuitions throned above our Will-- The secret of that yearning, dim, but strong Which yields the pulse to Hope--the wings to Song.
at one of those early parties [at Paul Rosenfeld's] I met that handsome bullyboy, Ernest Hemingway, tall, rosy-cheeked, still beardless, and got a clue to the psychal injury that had permanently lamed him when I found that in the first few minutes of our conversation he began describing to me the black opalescence of dead bodies that had been putrefying on a battlefield.
Poe had great faith in the power of human language to express thoughts, but believed it is not adequate to convey those "psychal impressions" of the hypnagogic state:
If we can take him at his word, then, Poe himself claimed to be able to express any mere thought (as distinct from "psychal impressions") through words, but his own narrators often confess an inability to convey verbally some thoughts related to their own extraordinary experiences.
It is needless to demonstrate that a poem is such, only inasmuch as it intensely excites, by elevating, the soul; and all intense excitements are, through a psychal necessity, brief.
But all excitements are, through a psychal necessity, transient.
A negative comment on "the great 'movement'" (the Renaissance) is completed by an interesting line of argument accounting for man's psychal fracture and subsequent fall.