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1. (Biography) Ebenezer. 1835–1909, English musicologist and composer, noted for his editions of works by Handel and J. S. Bach
2. (Biography) William. 1785–1850, English chemist, noted for his modification of the atomic theory
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The court also heard from Mr Prout, who initially thought he had seen a crash, only to later learn it was a shooting.
"This has been a response to growth and capacity constraints," Prout said.
When asked why by Green councillor Karen Allison Ms Prout said that the reasons for it were "multifaceted and complex.
Prout has since written about her experience in a book called "I Have the Right To." She will discuss the book and her efforts to reclaim her life when she speaks at 7 p.m.
Wood, 50, was locked up for nine years in June for her role in causing or allowing Mr Prout's death.
He accused him of scouring the internet and local soup kitchens to find vulnerable people he could control, before coming across Mr Prout and making him his lackey.
The judge said: "No reasonable person could learn what happened to Jimmy Prout in the months leading up to his death and not feel shocked and appalled that anyone could be treated with such vicious cruelty and inhumanity.
SHOCKING Victim Jimmy Prout posted this picture and message on Facebook after one assault
Prout is an assault survivor from St Paul's School, a US boarding school in New Hampshire, and for two years she was the anonymous victim at the centre of a high profile court case.
Wheelchair-user Zaman led the "clannish" group who sliced open Mr Prout's scrotum to put one testicle in his mouth in Percy Main, North Tyneside, Mr Greaney told the jury.
Prout was a 15-year-old freshman when Labrie chose her as his mark for the "Senior Salute" - a sort of game among students where boys would court younger girls - and raped her in a campus maintenance room.
Results Nunthorpe Athletic 2 (Mason Rooke, Dan Ball), Billingham Town Res 1 (Niall Bradley), Redcar Newmarket 0, BEADS FC 1 (Alex Brown), St Mary's Yarm 0, Boro Rangers 4 (Matthew Wyke, Danny Lockwood 2, Rob Keenan), Stockton West End 1 (Josh Prout), Redcar Town 0, Thornaby Dubliners 1 (Gareth Poole), Guisb Three Fiddles 2 (Scott Matthewman, Paul Young), Whinney Banks YCC 1 (Sean Harland), Staithes Athletic 3 (Carl Flatters 2, Gary Sivills).