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(Italian pintuˈrikkjo) or


(Biography) real name Bernardino di Betto. ?1454–1513, Italian painter of the Umbrian school
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The designs and patters of these carpets are included in the paintings of famous Italian renaissance artists, including: Carlo Crivelli and Domenico di Bartolo, Pinturicchio and in the works of Dutch painter Jan van Eyk.
Raphael and Pinturicchio were among the early visitors who left their named scratched in its vaults, and the palace's frescoed grotesques had an immediate influence on Italian painting (as Tim Smith-Laing described in Apollo, April 2015).
Trinita Kennedy studies the 1472 Translatio of the relics of Saint Bernardine of Siena by Pinturicchio displayed in the Bufalini Chapel in Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome.
The Didier Prod'homme-trained four-year-old travelled in midfield throughout the majority of the race and Prat timed his charge to perfection, getting up by a head from Pinturicchio. HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Thani, HE Sheikh Jon bin Hamad al-Thani, QREC chairman HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Faleh al-Thani and many other dignitaries from Qatar were present at the races.
Faded frescoes by the Renaissance painter Pinturicchio adorn the Romanesque Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in the Cappela Baglioni.
Immersing himself in Italian Renaissance art, he was fascinated by the work of Pinturicchio in the Borgia apartments at the Vatican and by Benozzo Gozzoli's frescoes in the Palazzo Medici Ricardi in Florence.
Cosgrove illustrates this shift through the juxtaposed analysis of two exemplary Italian art works: L'allegoria del buon governo, a fresco realized by Ambrogio Lorenzetti for the Palazzo Civico in Siena, and Pinturicchio's Funerale di San Bernardino.
Featuring some amazing works of art by greats like Caravaggio, Pinturicchio and sculptures by Andrea Bregno, the church's dome is clearly inspired by Michelangelo's work in the Sistine Chapel.