Pine oil

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an oil resembling turpentine, obtained from fir and pine trees, and used in making varnishes and colors.

See also: Pine

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Dilute 1/4 cup of Pine-Sol in one gallon of warm water." When Pine-Sol was launched way back in 1929, the main cleaning ingredient used was pine oil for removing dirt and grease.
The term crude tall oil comes from the Swedish word "tallolja" which means pine oil. Crude tall oil is the third most abundant chemical by-product in a Kraft mill after lignin and hemicellulose.
Crude sulfate turpentine act as a feedstock for the manufacturer who produces pinenes, flavorings, polymer additives, pine oil, fragrances and turpentine oil.
--Performance Chemicals revenues grow 2% in 2017 and with the acquisition of Georgia-Pacific's pine oil chemicals business in 2018.
Summary: Pine oil has antiseptic, expectorant and antioxidant properties and has been used for treatment of rheumatism, respiratory and urinary system and skin diseases.
The blend also contains peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, Scots pine oil, rosemary oil, tocopherol (natural vitamin E).
Orient Pine Oil Tanker Not Provided -- 03/05/16 04:40 -
Materials and Methods: The adulticidal efficacy of crude Neem oil extract, Pine oil extract and Til oil extract with five different concentrations i.e.
This time I found out Pine-Sol was invented in Jackson using pine oil from the pine belt that starts in Jackson and grows south to the coast.
Testing showed that some of the standard components of pine oil, ocpinene and [beta]-pinene, were effective against various strains of Staphylococcus'.
Besides turpentine, a host of marketable by-products resulted from destructive distillation; these included heavy pine oil for veterinary use, pine tar for coating ship ropes, pine gums for varnish, a powerful disinfectant, an antiseptic face lotion, creosote, wood preservative, wood alcohol, cattle spray, sheep dip, shingle stain, wood filler, paraffin, soap, black paint, embalming fluid, and "tree paint," a sticky substance that snared harmful insects crawling on fruit trees.
Solvay Novecare offers: Repel-O-Tex, a range of soil release polymers to boost cleaning in powders and liquids to maintain fabric's whiteness; Mirapol Surf-S, a range of specialty polymers for hard surface cleaners; Rhodoclean EFC, a pine oil derived nonionic surfactant for low foam high pressure cleaning, CM and industrial cleaning; Mackam and Mirataine, efficient hydrotopes for transparent cleaners and streak-free glass cleaning; Mackam and Miranol, mild and efficient amphoteric surfactants to improve foam viscosity in hand dish washes and fine fabric detergents; Rhodiasolv Infinity, a green non-toxic, non-mutagenic, non-flammable emulsion for use in degreasers and spot removers for fabrics; and Mackamine, a good low-foam grease solubi-lizer with bleach, electrolyte and acid stability.