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n.1.A small triangular flag, esp. one attached to a knight's lance; a pennon.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Commelina fasciculata fue descrita originalmente para Peru por Ruiz & Pavon (1798), luego citada por Clarke (1881) para Peru y Bolivia, y mas tarde incluida por Macbride (1936) en la flora de Peru.
elongatum, UCRD05-1, and UCRD05-2, respectively, are: Chinese Spring Ag#1/*4 Pavon 76/*2 Pavon ph1b/3/Opata/4/*4 Aconchi.
Our dream is to be capable of competing on the same footing with companies the size of IBM or HP," says Mario Pavon, vice president at Chile's Sonda, a pioneer in software development in the region founded in 1974 in Santiago.
Baptista then headed Madrid in front after 44 minutes, but seconds later Francisco Pavon handled in the Madrid area and although Iker Casillas saved Canobbio's penalty ex-Liverpool winger Antonio Nunez headed home the rebound.
The dressing room mood was revealed by Real centre-back Francisco Pavon.
The home side dominated for long stretches but could find no way past the Madrid defence thanks to the deployment of Ivan Helguera alongside Fernando Hierro and Francisco Pavon.
Raimond Van der Gouw, standing in for the benched Mark Bosnich, handed Bordeaux the lead when he dropped a clanger after just nine minutes, palming Michel Pavon's long-range effort into his net - but Ferguson refused to criticise the veteran Dutchman.
(8.) Rodriguez-Cervilla J, Penalver MD, Curros MC, Pavon P, Alonso C, Fraga JM.