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Related to Nias: NIAA, Nickel arsenide


n.1.A young hawk; an eyas; hence, an unsophisticated person.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
He had been ill for a year after the experience in Pennsylva- nia, and after his recovery worked as a day laborer in the fields, going timidly about and striving to con- ceal his hands.
Based on the new technique, NIAS has induced precocious metamorphosis of silkworms by excessively producing juvenile hormone esterase, a kind of hormone-degrading enzyme.
Ar y Bocs/On the Box would like to apologise to both presenter Nia Roberts and TV tutor Nia Parry for the mix-up in last week's television page.