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1. a native or inhabitant of Newfoundland
2. (Placename) the island of Newfoundland
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈnu fi, ˈnyu-)

Chiefly Canadian Informal. a native or inhabitant of Newfoundland.
[1955–60; Newf (oundland) + -ie]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He began with Newfie jokes and went on to blonde jokes.
"Ah, you had me until you called me a Newfie. I find it a derogatory term," wrote one, while another pointed out that the word is "highly offensive to many here".
Newfoundlanders call fried bologna slices "newfie steaks." In Appalachia, bologna was a breakfast meat and "a savory supper offering, says Victuals author Ronni Lundy.
John's, nicknamed "Newfie John," the naval authorities gave us only a short while before re-assigning us to an escort group.
They appear to be rebuilding, but "Newfie" outfitters now have a very tight allocation of permits, so prices have increased and the once-standard "moose-caribou" package is now hard to find.
Although hunts are based out of remote outpost camps, each cabin features outstanding accommodations: hearty homemade meals with the likes of parsnip puffs and cod au gratin--the latter a classic Newfie dish--and guides who go the extra mile to ensure hunters have the best chance to come home with a bull.
The former Cage Warriors middleweight champion faces off against Ryan Janes tomorrow but after holding his own in sparring with some of the sport's greatest fighters, he reckons the Newfie veteran will be way out of his depth.
Do you have a batty Bassett, a cheeky Chihuahua or a naughty Newfie? Tell us about what your dog gets up to and you could be our winner.
I would probably have trouble getting the other "N" word published, but while "Newfie" is usually at least slightly discriminatory Newfoundlanders are often told to get over themselves when they complain about its use.
There are two aspects of my identity from which I do not derive power, however: that I am female, as previously discussed, and that I am a Newfie. My hometown was regarded as "multicultural" within a unique Canadian province, but Gander is a less severe stereotype of a Newfoundland community.
A hard-knocks Boston childhood as a "Newfie," an education broken up by lack of funds, a jittery wife and meddling mother--not much to cling to there.
In the words of Simani, "You're still just a Newfie in a Calgary hat." As one of the top songs by one of the best known contemporary Newfoundland bands, "Saltwater Cowboys" still receives airplay on local radio stations, and continues to feature on various Newfoundland radio shows.