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n.1.(Zool.) A South American rodent (Cavia rupestris), allied to the Guinea pig, but larger; - called also rock cavy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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'That will help power the main school that caters to Indigenous children So, once we get power, they can fully enjoy all the facilities similar to Georgetown, and that power will come from Moco Moco,' he stated.
The MOCO museum stands for Modern Contemporary Museum.
El criterio de buena salud y fisiologia reproductiva se establecio mediante determinaciones del moco cervical, VCA, TV, enfermedades aparentes, y la evaluacion del color de la mucosa de la vulva, considerando cada factor en dos niveles: 1) El valor (%) del VCA fue clasificado en [mayor que o igual a] 28 y <28%; 2) La TV en [menor que o igual a] 39 y >39 [grados]C; 3) Segun el moco cervical se agruparon en presencia si resultaba transparente, fluido y abundante y en ausencia si era blanquecino, opaco, escaso o ausente; 4) De acuerdo al color de la mucosa de la vulva se clasifico en roja-rosada y palida; 5) Las enfermedades aparentes se agruparon en ausencia y presencia.
MOCO, an operating arm of ADOC, produces oil from the Umm al-Anbar field which went on stream in February 1989 at the rate of 8,000 b/d.
There are two JVs for the onshore, ADCO and one with a South Korean group, and seven ventures for the offshore - ADMA-OPCO, ZADCO, UDECO, Total-Abu al-Bukhoush (TBK), ADOC, MOCO, and ADOC-Ga.
At the same time, a local criminal named Azul (Reinol Martinez) breaks out of jail to take revenge on his former partner, "Moco" (Peter Marquardt), for cheating him out of his share of drug profits and sending gunmen to murder him in his cell.
However, motion compensation (MoCo) continues to be a challenging problem in this field.
Maharashtra, June 3 -- Moco Design Studio, Pune's renowned architecture firm has been honored with the prestigious "Realty Plus Excellence Awards"for the category 'Architect of the Year (Residential)'.