Mineral salt

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(Chem.) a salt of a mineral acid.

See also: Mineral

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In 2015, North American accounted for nearly 22% of the global mineral salt ingredients market.1 The U.S.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, utilization efficiency and economic viability of different supplements (mineral salt, proteined salt and multiple mixture) in dairy heifer feeding, reared on pasture in the rainy period.
According to Saltworks officials, in response to increased consumer demand for Himalayan pink salt, new commodity importers unfamiliar with the salt industry have introduced poorly processed mineral salt that may contain undesirable and potentially harmful insoluble materials.
Headwaters MB has advised French Transit on its sale of Crystal, the world's largest natural mineral salt deodorant brand, to Juggernaut Capital Partners, the company said.
5 May 2017 - US-based middle market investment banking firm Headwaters MB advised deodorant manufacturer French Transit on its sale of Crystal natural mineral salt deodorant brand to private equity firm Juggernaut Capital Partners, the bank said.
Salt therapy is a form of alternative medicine where the patient inhales tiny particles of mineral salt.
Seven tenders for the supply of (a) 1,125 tons yellow dent corn, (b) 1,337 tons rice million residuals, (c) 1,575 tons soybean meal, (d) 270 tons fish meal, (e) 45 tons di calcium phosphate, (f) 13.5 tons vitamins and mineral salt mixture, also (g) 113 tons fastening materials.
So I put out Kosher salt for them along with the loose trace mineral salt. Now they consume moderate amounts of both.
A total of 27 bacterial isolates were able to grow on mineral salt medium by enrichment procedure.
The spores were used to inoculate the mineral salt medium containing: distilled water 1.0L, glucose 10g, K[H.sub.2]P[O.sub.4] 5.0g, MgS[O.sub.4] .7[H.sub.2]O 1.0g, NaCl 0.5g, NN[O.sub.3] 2g, as a nitrogen source and pH adjusted to 5.5 with 0.1N HCl/NaOH as described by (Haq et al, 2005.).