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References in periodicals archive ?
Lt Col Muhammad Babur Sarfraz Khan, Avn, Lt Col Muhammad Hamid Mahmood Khizri, Avn, Lt Col Usman Aftab, Avn, Maj Sanaullah Khan, Avn, Maj Muhammad Imran, Avn, Maj Umar Inayat Shah, Avn, Maj Atif Arif, Avn.
'Maj Gen Lamidi Adeosun takes over as Chief of Training and Operations at the Army Headquarters while Maj Gen HO Otiki, as Commander Infantry Corps and Maj Gen CU Agulanna as Chief of Accounts and Budget Nigerian Army.
He expressed sympathies and condolence with the members of the bereaved family and said Maj. (r) Mubashar Ullah was a dutiful and honest police officer.
There was a round of applause for Maj Peake as the rocket carrying the Soyuz module blasted off from a Russian space centre in Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.
We realized it, but were equally proud of the fact that Maj Jalal was another addition to the already long list of gallant soldiers of Pak Army who are always ready to lay their lives for the country.
At 140 knots and 500 feet, Maj. Lee realized that he could not lower the collective.
Maj. Brodeur was one of eight American service members gunned down April 27, 2011, by an Afghan military officer at Kabul International Airport.
Under the decision, the members of the specialized advisory group were Maj. Gen.
Mahar, Southern University and A&M College; and Maj. William B.
Maj Gen Faykes: From the perspective of developing the budget, it's maintaining the proper balance in the budget between readiness and modernization.
Goodwill Industries of South Florida employees pose with Maj, Gen, Charles Fletcher and Command Sgt.
In another location, CAISI allowed coalition forces to wirelessly connect logisticians to a facility 3.5 miles away, according to MAJ Forrest Burke, chief, logistics automation with the Coalition Forces Land Component Command in Kuwait, saving four weeks installation time, $40,000 in installation costs and the need to obtain host nation property clearances.