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An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.

Lu′si·ta′ni·an adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Placename) chiefly poetic of or relating to Lusitania or Portugal
2. (Biology) biology denoting flora or fauna characteristically found only in the warm, moist, west-facing coastal regions of Portugal, Spain, France, and the west and southwest coasts of Great Britain and Ireland
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.Lusitanian - of or relating to or characteristic of Portugal or the people of Portugal or their language; "Portuguese wines"
2.Lusitanian - of or relating to or characteristic of the region of Lusitania or its people or language
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Or perhaps I shall be told, too, that there was no such knight-errant as the valiant Lusitanian Juan de Merlo, who went to Burgundy and in the city of Arras fought with the famous lord of Charny, Mosen Pierres by name, and afterwards in the city of Basle with Mosen Enrique de Remesten, coming out of both encounters covered with fame and honour; or adventures and challenges achieved and delivered, also in Burgundy, by the valiant Spaniards Pedro Barba and Gutierre Quixada (of whose family I come in the direct male line), when they vanquished the sons of the Count of San Polo.
(2006) measured seasonal variations of sound production by the Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus, and found that in response to rising water temperatures, boatwhistle call rate, duration, and fundamental frequency increased and pulse period decreased.
This new result for our species is concordant with the one obtained for another microtine pest species, the Lusitanian pine vole, Microtus lusitanicus that inhabits apple orchards and breeds along the whole year (Minarro et al.
Two markers and one history: phylogeography of the edible common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in the Lusitanian region.
At the same time, it criticized both the urban and the cosmopolitan country, which was defended by modernism, and the closed and rural country, which adhered to Lusitanian fundamentalism.
Aureliano, "Acute effects of vanadate oligomers on heart, kidney and liver histology in the Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylous)," Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol.
Phylogcographical analysis of two cold-tolerant plants with disjunct Lusitanian distributions docs not support in situ survival during the last glaciation.
Unfortunately, the constraints of space mean that we are unable to go into detail about the technical aspects of the construction, though it would have been no less interesting to have compared the forums of these two Lusitanian cities in this light.
Sharing his birth name (Fernando) and Lusitanian birthplace with Saint Anthony of Padua, a figure he will come to resemble as his off-piste pilgrimage turns increasingly numinous, the scientist is transformed from an irreligious rationalist into a beatified wayfarer by his encounters in the fjords, gorges, and forests of northernmost Portugal--magnificently rendered in uncharacteristic CinemaScope by Rodrigues's regular cinematographer, Rui Pocas.
One hundred and forty-five healthy adult horses, of both genders, from private horse farms, were used in this investigation: Pure Arabian Blood (n=20), Mangalarga Marchador (n=50), Pure Blood Lusitanian (n=35), Quarter Horses (n=20) and the Brazilian Equestrian (n=20).
(7) Sobre esses mesmos autores, Cruz-Ortiz afirma: "Despite their political leanings, Lusitanian authors developed techniques for affirming their identity against Spanish cultural hegemony ...