Lord of the Flies

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Lord of the Flies

(Bible) a name for Beelzebub
[translation of Hebrew: see Beelzebub]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
This whole case makes me think of that book Lord of the Flies.
About 25 years ago, Lord of the Flies was a book I really didn't want to read.
Lord of the Flies plays | |Birmingham Rep from November 3-7 and then Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry from February 23-27.
| Clockwise, from top, Meera Syal, who has adapted her novel Anita And Me |for the stage; Beryl, Maxine Peake's first play about an unsung cyclist and Lord Of The Flies, the classic tale of a group of boys and their struggle for survival and (left) Tim Pigott-Smith in King Charles III
Following sell-out performances in London, Regent's Park Theatre's production of Lord Of The Flies will run for one week from November 23 to 28.
It's a shot from Swan Lake that you see before the closing credits in Billy Elliot, the film - and there are shades of Billy Elliot in this latest venture, an adaptation of William Golding's 1954 novel, Lord of the Flies.
IN true Billy Elliot style, 24 boys from across South Wales and surrounding areas have been selected to perform Lord Of The Flies at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff next week - despite not having had any past experience of dance.
SIXTEEN boys from the North East will take to the stage with professional dancers as Lord of the Flies arrives in Newcastle.
Most art is designed to shock and it is no coincidence that study of the classic novel Lord Of The Flies has long been part of the school syllabus.
Extracts from William Golding's Lord of the Flies and a novel by Ernest Hemingway were also marked down by a US program designed to assess students' essays.
The idea echoes William Golding's novel Lord Of The Flies in which a group of castaway boys resort to savagery.
Lord Of The Flies is the type of production which attracts school parties.