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(ˈləʊkrɪən; ˈlɒk-) or


(Placename) of or relating to Locris, an ancient region of central Greece, or its inhabitants
(Placename) a native or inhabitant of Locris
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"When in the shady Locrian grove Hesiod lay dead, the Nymphs washed his body with water from their own springs, and heaped high his grave; and thereon the goat-herds sprinkled offerings of milk mingled with yellow-honey: such was the utterance of the nine Muses that he breathed forth, that old man who had tasted of their pure springs."
The Locrians were laid waste by a legate of Scipio, yet they were not avenged by him, nor was the insolence of the legate punished, owing entirely to his easy nature.
And upon the same principle there are laws which forbid men to sell their property, as among the Locrians, unless they can prove that some notorious misfortuue has befallen them.
Ajax, the fleet son of Oileus, commanded the Locrians. He was not so great, nor nearly so great, as Ajax the son of Telamon.
Minos, we learn, was the primitive founder of the government of Crete, as Zaleucus was of that of the Locrians. Theseus first, and after him Draco and Solon, instituted the government of Athens.
T'S like stepping back in time when the Locrian Ensemble appear on stage.
Acts included Vagabound, Flock of 3, Leo Brazil and his Twitch, Fie Fie Fie, Fishing for Compliments, Darren Poyzer, Highline, The Boo Sutcliffe Band, Samh, Locrian's Garden, Kelter, The Blind Dead McJones Band and Volume 11.
"The Young Abductor of the Locrian Pinakes." BICS 20.1: 12-21.
The modes are: Ionian (major), Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian (minor), and Locrian.
Homer's Locrian Ajax, who watches the race and thinks victory will go to Eumelus (who actually comes in last), gets upset with what his companion Idomeneus' eyes identify: the impending victory of the Aetolian born Diomedes.
Within each group are the scales, for example in major modes are listed Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian and the like, and in harmonic minor modes are listed harmonic minor, Locrian #6, Ionion augmented, Romanian and so on.
Locrian mode; D4-G5; Tess: M; 4/4, J = 40, with dark patience; V/M, P/M; 6 pages (3 minutes).