Lay clerk

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Related to Lay clerk: Lay vicar
(Eccl.) a layman who leads the responses of the congregation, etc., in the church service.

See also: Lay

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
For instance: I should have put in the foreground your being so much respected as Lay Precentor, or Lay Clerk, or whatever you call it, of this Cathedral; your enjoying the reputation of having done such wonders with the choir; your choosing your society, and holding such an independent position in this queer old place; your gift of teaching (why, even Pussy, who don't like being taught, says there never was such a Master as you are!), and your connexion.'
The former Windsor Castle lay clerk and choir singer watched from a friend's room in Horseshoe Cloister and said: "It was beautiful."
Tom Glendinning, Senior Lay Clerk, said: "The Organists and Gentlemen of the Choir have a tradition of presenting leaving gifts to their colleagues who are departing.
Counter-tenor David Allsopp was a choral scholar at King''s College, Cambridge, where he studied computer science, and was subsequently a lay clerk in Westminster Cathedral Choir, before pursuing a freelance career.
The former Ysgol Friars pupil's funeral will take place at the cathedral on Saturday morning and a choir scholarship will be set up to honour his commitment as a chorister and lay clerk.
The lay clerk adult males are professionals, although most also have other jobs.
Simon is lay clerk at Durham Cathedral as well as director of Durham Cathedral Young Singers.
He was a Choral Bursar and principal bass soloist in the choir of Exeter College, Oxford University and subsequently was a Bass Lay Clerk at Leeds Parish Church (now Leeds Minster) during his postgraduate studies.
To take a small example, we are told (p.30) that `Taverner was in charge of music' at Tattershall: Taverner was indeed a lay clerk there, and the statutes allowed for one of the lay clerks or chaplains to act as instructor of the choristers, but we do not know that Taverner did so.
Dr McDonough, of Batley, Yorks, told the tribunal a letter had been sent to one of her referees saying: "This gentleman has recently applied for appointment as a lay clerk. He has told us that you are willing to act as referee for him."