Qin dynasty

(redirected from Kingdom of Qin)
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Related to Kingdom of Qin: Ch'in Dynasty
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Qin dynasty - the Chinese dynasty (from 246 BC to 206 BC) that established the first centralized imperial government and built much of the Great Wall
dynasty - a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family
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References in periodicals archive ?
This "woof of human motion" is also embedded in the narrative of Hero as the warriors and the Qin troops move around the four directions of tianxia with the Kingdom of Qin as the center.
Out of a multitude of states, seven kingdoms survived, among them the kingdom of Qin. But in 10 short years, the young king of Qin conquered the other six kingdoms, announced a universal peace, and declared himself the First Emperor of the nation.