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a.1.See Hypocritical.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Now let's talk about the hypocritic part of drama for books and knowledge in Islamabad.
But PTI is worst and most hypocritic', said @DrFarhanSubhani.
She made her writing and producing debut on "The Hypocritic Oath" and followed that up with "After", starring Kathleen Quinlan.
LAHORE: Friends, fundos and youthias, I want you to know that I took the Hypocritic oath ages ago while schmoozing my way across London with one eye on my political career back home, and the other on the chicks of Chelsea.
The speakers said the world would have to shun its hypocritic policy as in case of war between Pakistan and India, the entire world would be affected.
The Hippocratic Oath is often shortened to: "First, do no harm." Clearly Agate had its own "Hypocritic" Oath: "First, do nothing that will harm the value of our stock."
Neelum Toru regretted that Sharif brothers were doing all such undemocratic, hypocritic and brutal acts just for the lust of govt and wealth.
He said the entire Muslim world deeply hated the hypocritic attitude of the UN.
Benitez lost little time in signing up to the Hypocritic oath, brazenly posing with a Chelsea shirt and smirking joyfully.
Perhaps they should re-name the oath "The Hypocritic Oath".
He must take the Hypocritic Oath, And sign the Pact of Lies, Enter the chamber of that ancient place, Where Truth lays down and dies.