Hog scraper

Hog scraper

One of the early steps in hog butchering was to immerse the carcass for a few minutes in boiling water to loosen the hair. The hair was then scraped off with a hog scraper, which consisted of a short, round, wooden handle with a cup-shaped steel disk at one or both ends.
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A bell hog scraper is best for this work if you have or can find one, but a dull knife, an old corn knife or a piece of broken jar is satisfactory.
Right: (D) Basic tools needed, including bell hog scrapers, and three homemade scrapers made from stainless steel soup ladles (inset); (E) scraping the pigs (note the water tank over the fire--the water needs to be at 140[degrees]F); (F) close-up of scraping the hair in Dummer township and (G) at the Friary in Honduras (Fr.
Finally, we headed tot the attic through the Dark Chamber--a windowless passage-way above the woodshed where artifacts of rural culture lay strewn as if stuck up there just last month--ox bows, maple sugar molds, wooden skis with leather bindings, hog scrapers, a butter churn, a cider press, and a framed pedigree of Glendower, a prize bull.
The store-bought hog scrapers, curing ingredients (consisting of salt, red pepper, sage, cinnamon and Morton's sugar cure compound) were all placed within easy reach for the next day's butchering.