Heimlich manoeuvre

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Heimlich manoeuvre

(Medicine) a technique in first aid to dislodge a foreign body in a person's windpipe by applying sudden upward pressure on the upper abdomen. Also called: abdominal thrust
[C20: named after Henry J. Heimlich (born 1920), American surgeon]
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She said: "I ended up spitting the water onto the floor and I stood up and I was hitting myself in my chest." Her cousin and her sister both attempted to do the Heimlich manoeuvre without success.
Then a stranger stepped in and carried out the Heimlich manoeuvre. The drama began on Friday afternoon as Fiona was helping her mother, Hilary, a member of Sundorne WI in the marquee.
She began to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre before other members of the team arrived, which brought up the piece of food.
A customer patted him on the back and another attempted the Heimlich manoeuvre in a bid to dislodge the food from his throat.
| Squeeze it out - give five abdominal thrusts, otherwise known as the Heimlich manoeuvre. Check their mouth each time.
SEVERE BLEEDING It can be dramatic The Heimlich manoeuvre and distressing for both you and the casualty when bleeding is severe, explains Joanne.
SEVERE BLEEDING IT CAN be dramatic and distressing for both you and the casualty The Heimlich manoeuvre when bleeding is severe, explains Joanne.
Gardeners' World host Monty, 62, said she wrapped her arms round him in the Heimlich manoeuvre and the lamb "shot out" of his windpipe.
THE doctor credited with developing the Heimlich manoeuvre says he used the emergency technique for the first time himself to save a woman choking on food at his senior living centre.
THE man who invented the Heimlich manoeuvre has saved someone's life at the age of 96 - by using the Heimlich manoeuvre.
The student, a former British under-12 judo champ, performed the Heimlich manoeuvre on the teacher.
AA mechanic Danny Cook, 36, came to the rescue of two-year-old Thomas Corkill, using the Heimlich Manoeuvre, after he started choking on the nugget in McDonald's, in Upton, Wirral.