Glacial drift

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(Geol.) earth and rocks which have been transported by moving ice, land ice, or icebergs; bowlder drift.

See also: Glacial

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The HVSR was to study the topography below the glacial drift. Gravity was proposed to support the findings of the HVSR.
And Kalopsia, chinned on the line by Glacial Drift at Down Royal and runner-up in both starts, should be helped by the addition of a hood in the finale, a mares bumper for lady riders.
Geologically, it's a drumlin -- an elongated hill containing glacial drift -- and so clay-rich that a pond near its base was once the site of a brickyard.
Each of these surfaces is on earlier glacial drift. The surface was and is gently undulating or flat just as would be the case if ice were to spread over Ohio today; the deep preglacial bedrock valleys were already filled by glacial deposits.
These small prairies (mostly < 1 ha), now refer to as glacial drift hill prairies, developed near the crest of slopes or spurs on mostly Wisconsin age glacial till.
It emerged from oak savannah refuges to dominate many pastures in the Midwest's driftless region, named for its lack of glacial drift, the material left behind by retreating continental glaciers.
It has gradually emerged from oak-savanna refuges to dominate many pastures in the Midwest's Driftless Region, named for its lack of glacial drift, material left behind by retreating continental glaciers.
What name is given to a smooth, oval hill created by glacial drift? 4.
JOHN MUIR (1838-1914) has never been easy to categorize: he is too much of a poet and spiritualist to fit the category of "scientist" and too keenly attuned to natural phenomena--such as glacial drift and environmental degradation, including deforestation and the impact of mining on rivers--to be counted among the literati of his day.
The highest gold concentration appears to be at places where submerged beach ridges cross areas of glacial drift. Seismic reflection studies across submerged beaches show that the internal structure is similar to that of modern beaches.
(The term "driftless" indicates a lack of glacial drift, the material left behind by retreating continental glaciers.) It contains an unusual type of ecosystem characterized by algific ("cold-producing") talus, a loose-rock slope affected by the movement of cold air produced by sinkholes and ice.