Friends of the Earth

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Related to Friends of the Earth: Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Canada

Friends of the Earth

(Environmental Science) (functioning as singular or plural) an organization of environmentalists and conservationists whose aim is to promote the sustainable use of the earth's resources. Abbreviations: FoE or FOE
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Duncan McLaren, chief executive of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: 'We are delighted to have the support of so many talented musicians and we hope that Silver Green will help us reach out to new audiences.'
But Liverpool city council claims Friends of the Earth has not taken into account the strides in recycling which it has made in the last nine months.
CONTACT: Friends of the Earth, (202)783-7400,; NWF, (800) 822-9919,
Friends of the Earth's aviation campaigner, Paul de Zylva condemns the campaign and has stated that the aviation industry refuses to recognise its impact on the environment, let alone the need for curbs on its expansion.
During his time with Friends of the Earth, McGlennon was known by the surname England but took his wife Laura's name after they married.
Michelle Atkinson from Huddersfield Friends of the Earth, said: "The Planet Festival aimed to be a fun and family-friendly afternoon, but with a serious message.
Gareth Clubb, director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said: "The UK Government is eagerly looking forward to finance a scheme the Welsh Government admits has no proven economic benefits.
Barry and Vale Friends of the Earth has also called for a protective "green belt" to be created around Barry, and a halt to piecemeal "inner urban development".
Birmingham Friends of the Earth spokesman Julien Pritchard said: "Green is working - while the UK struggles in a double-dip recession the low-carbon sector is growing, paving the way to new jobs.
The aim of the bill is to reform the local planning system but Friends of the Earth reckon community participation is too limited in the proposed new decisionmaking process.
Friends of the Earth campaigners Rob Owen, Ursel Luhde, Pete Thompson, Jenny Bates, Anna Hughes and James Hughes urge Prime minister Gordon Brown to cut aviation and shipping emissions

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