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(German ˈfraunhoːfər)
(Biography) Joseph von (ˈjoːzɛf fɔn). 1787–1826, German physicist and optician, who investigated spectra of the sun, planets, and fixed stars, and improved telescopes and other optical instruments
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Sir,--I have read with amusement, not wholly unmixed with some less complimentary emotion, the complacent and wholly fatuous letter of James Wilson MacPhail which has lately appeared in your columns upon the subject of the blurring of Fraunhofer's lines in the spectra both of the planets and of the fixed stars.
The general blurring and shifting of Fraunhofer's lines of the spectrum point, in my opinion, to a widespread cosmic change of a subtle and singular character.
"Those dark bands are Fraunhofer's lines," said he.
If it pleases you to believe this rigmarole about ether and Fraunhofer's lines upon the spectrum, do so by all means, but do not ask one who is older and wiser than yourself to share in your folly.
Fraunhofer, the largest application-oriented research organisation in Europe, has signed an agreement with Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park) to set up it research and development centre at the science park.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Dec 6 (NewsVoir): Fraunhofer, Europe's largest application-oriented research organization organised their 5th Fraunhofer Innovation and Technology (FIT) Platform on Wednesday in India.
M2 PHARMA-August 1, 2018-LenioBio GmbH and Fraunhofer IME enter into exclusive licence agreement
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 1, 2018-LenioBio GmbH and Fraunhofer IME enter into exclusive licence agreement
During the annual conference of Germany's Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, held in Dresden, a Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize was awarded to three researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement (IPM) who were recognised for 'bringing digital holography out of the laboratory and into the production hall.'
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-November 24, 2014-ChyronHego partners with Fraunhofer on goal-line technology
(NASDAQ: CDNS) and Fraunhofer IIS said that Cadence has licensed the full suite of MPEG AAC codecs from Fraunhofer IIS for use with the Tensilica HiFi DSP.

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