Fox and geese

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A boy's game, in which one boy tries to catch others as they run one goal to another.
A game with sixteen checkers, or some substitute for them, one of which is called the fox, and the rest the geese; the fox, whose first position is in the middle of the board, endeavors to break through the line of the geese, and the geese to pen up the fox.

See also: Fox, Fox

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
* Fox and Geese: If you have snow, gather some friends and stomp out a big circle with a big X inside the circle.
The [euro]17million investment was announced by Jobs Minister Richard Bruton yesterday at an event to mark 50 years of the company's production at its Fox and Geese facility in Clondalkin, West Dublin.
The Fox and Geese site was the first home of bottling for Powers Irish Whiskey, which moved from Drury Street in 1965.