Fountains Abbey

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Fountains Abbey

(Named Buildings) a ruined Cistercian abbey near Ripon in Yorkshire: founded 1132, dissolved 1539; landscaped 1720
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"Fountains Abbey and York are fantastic places to take a camera.
FOUNTAINS ABBEY, NORTH YORKSHIRE Boots, Gaiters and Vistas Walk RIVER and ruins, an 18th century water garden, playful outdoor art and a who's who of hues.
FOUNTAINS ABBEY NORTH YORKSHIRE Boots, Gaiters and Vistas walk - river and ruins, an 18th century water garden, playful outdoor art and a who's who of hues.
Spectacularly sandwiched between the North York Moors and Yorkshire Dalesthe Spa Gardensriverbanks and canals are pleasant for walkingcycling or cruisingwhile it's also famous for horse racing as well as Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal.
NATIONAL Trust place Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal is looking for relatives of young men from the North East who came to live at a rural training camp onsite during the 1930s.
Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal, near Ripon in North Yorkshire, is now run by the National Trust and is a world heritage site.
Crimestoppers are putting adverts up in toilets in north Liverpool, including the Fountains Abbey Bar, on Walton Road, Walton, and The Royal, on Breck Road, Anfield, to help warn people.
Experts have used groundpenetrating radar to make the find at Fountains Abbey, near Ripon, in North Yorkshire.
Constructed around 1280, the Chapel of the Nine Altars was built to increase the amount of space inside the cathedral and was inspired by a similar extension to Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire, completed in 1247.
ANSWERS: 1 Oath; 2 Going to seed; 3 Alcohol; 4 Fountains Abbey; 5 Ken Rosewall; 6 Queen Elizabeth II and Francois Mitterrand; 7 Barcelona; 8 Avatar; 9 Laburnum; 10 The sun.
NORTH YORKSHIRE: National Trust Cottages (0844 800 2070) offers seven nights' self-catering from Aug 31 at one of five cottages at Hill How, sleeping two plus cot, near Fountains Abbey, Ripon, from pounds 662, a 15 per cent discount.
There is stunning Fountains Abbey (01765 608888,, in ruins for centuries yet still magnificent, with its deer park and water gardens.