Fort Jefferson

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Fort` Jef′ferson

a national monument in Dry Tortugas, Fla.: a federal prison 1863–73; now a marine museum.
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The plane landed on a bay in glorious sub-tropical sunshine just feet from white coral sands and the imposing, six-sided Fort Jefferson (, $342pp half-day excursion).
UTTOXETER: 1.20 Tanacando, 1.55 Fort Jefferson, 2.30 Kilcullen Flem, 3.05 Final Choice, 3.40 Ocean Cove, 4.15 Hope's Wishes, 4.45 Jaunty Thor.
UTTOXETER: 1.20 Colt Lightning, 1.55 Fort Jefferson, 2.30 Kilcullen Flem, 3.05 Final Choice, 3.40 Jaunty Flyer, 4.15 The Missus, 4.45 Lake Field.
My wife and I visited Dry Tortugas National Park this past February, and I noticed during the tour (presented by the ferry staff) that the Fort Jefferson soldiers and Confederate prisoners were mentioned, but nothing was said about the people who were enslaved there.
The hotel also offers 'Noble Adventures' which include reef fishing, jet ski-ing or a 70-mile boat or sea trip to the Dry Tortugas, an idyllic set of small islands containing the Civil War's Fort Jefferson. A real joy in every way.
The hotel also offers "Noble Adventures" which include reef fishing, jet ski-ing or a 70-mile boat or sea trip to the Dry Tortugas, an idyllic set of small islands containing the Civil War's Fort Jefferson. A real joy in every way.
Here you'll find a lighthouse and Fort Jefferson, which was built in the mid-1800s to guard the trade route in and out of the Gulf of Mexico.
Fort Jefferson has yet to hit the target in five starts but his moment can come in the Skeffington Handicap.
In this park towers the "Gibraltar of the North," Fort Jefferson, a pre-Civil War outpost that was once a key part of our nation's coastal defenses.
On the last day of my trip, when I took a ferry from Key West's port to the ghost town of Fort Jefferson, the surrounding pristine aqua water underscored how vital it is to preserve this extraordinary place.
In an 1862 letter canceling his subscription to a New York journal, Mudd refers to Yankees as "Puritanical, long faced" hypocrites who had "caused the destruction of one of the most glorious nations upon the face of the earth." Mudd was well aware of the dire implications of the South's defeat, but writing from Fort Jefferson prison in 1867, he expresses the hope that the old republic will someday be restored:
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