Fleet Air Arm

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Fleet Air Arm

(Military) the aviation branch of the Royal Navy. Abbreviation: FAA
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm Heritage Centre was unveiled next to RAF Lossiemouth last June to celebrate the region's long military links.
The first marinised ATR aircraft, a modern and widely-operated turboprop platform, has been retrofitted with state-of-the-art weapons and sensors which will substantially enhance the fleet air arm's operational capability commensurate with contemporary maritime warfare requirements.
The ATR aircraft widely operated turboprop platform has been retrofitted with state of the art weapons and sensors, which will substantially enhance Fleet Air Arm's operational capability commensurate with contemporary Maritime Warfare requirements.
The plane came from the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton, Somerset to be placed on permanent display at Baginton.
The airport, known as 'Elmdon Airport', was opened by HRH The Duchess of Kent on July 8 1939, and was operated by Birmingham City Council until the outbreak of the Second World War when it was requisitioned by the Air Ministry and used as an Elementary Flying School and Fleet Air Arm by the RAF.
The highlight of the event was an impressive flypast by aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm. The flypast was led by a formation of Chetak helicopters followed by a formation of MiG-29 fighters of Indian Naval Air Squadron 303 from the Goa-based Naval Air Station, INS Hansa.
It is made up of former members of the naval service, which includes personnel from the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS), the Fleet Air Arm, Submarine Service and Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
The lot included Brown's flying log books from 1942 to his final flights for the Fleet Air Arm in 1970.
His father Jimmy Stokes was a former Fleet Air Arm pilot, a branch of the British Royal Navy responsible for the operation of naval aircraft, who was working as a pilot with Gulf Aviation (which later became Gulf Air).
TOMORROW 7.30pm, North East Branch, Fleet Air ARM Assn, RAFA Club, Berwick Rd, Gateshead.

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