Felicia amelloides

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Noun1.Felicia amelloides - hairy South African or Australian subshrub that has daisylike flowers with blue raysFelicia amelloides - hairy South African or Australian subshrub that has daisylike flowers with blue rays
flower - a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
Felicia, genus Felicia - genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers
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For a cool daisy plant in the border, our spring garden is never without the 'kingfisher daisy' (Felicia amelloides), for it returns with ease from seed.
"You can also do amazing things with a few brilliant showpiece plants, using a large plant in the centre such as a variegated pittosporum and silver edged shrub in a 27in pot and around that I would plant something like light blue Felicia amelloides.
Don't forget felicia amelloides (blue daisy), the ever popular lobelia, bacopa (snowflake) and of course the fantastic varieties of trailing fuchsias.