Facial Shape

Facial Shape

  1. His flat face looked as if it were pressed against a window, except there was no window —Rebecca West
  2. Big face, broad at the bottom, narrowed upward like a Dutch cheese —Saul Bellow
  3. An enormous flat face like an unbaked pie —J. B. Priestly
  4. Face as huge as the bowl of the sky —George Garrett
  5. Face as long as his arm —Henry Van Dyke
  6. Face, as round and white and incisively marked as the face of a clock —John Updike
  7. Face … as round as a skillet —James Lee Burke
  8. Face broad and oval as a meat dish —Angela Carter
  9. Face flat as a dough pan —James Lee Burke
  10. Face, like a large tomato, was round and very red —Kenzaburo Oë
  11. Face long as a fence line in flat country —Linda West Eckhardt
  12. Face long as an El Greco —Carlos Baker
  13. Face round as a full moon —James Crumley
  14. Face … round as a radar dish —John Updike
  15. Faces as long as a wet week —H. E. Bates
  16. Face shaped like a honeydew melon —Paige Mitchell
  17. Face shaped like a shovel —Joyce Carol Oates
  18. Face … thin as a knife —Honore de Balzac
  19. A long face like a shoe —Christina Stead
  20. A long narrow face cut like a tribal mask —Miles Gibson
  21. A round chubby face, like a soft beachball —John Rechy
  22. Round face like the full moon —W. Somerset Maugham
  23. Sharp-pointed face like a cat —Honoré de Balzac
  24. A sparkling, triangular face like a cat —Pamela Frankau
  25. A thin face shaped like the hatchet Lizzie Borden chopped up her mama with —Davis Dresser
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The doctors also take the patient's facial shape and jaw size into consideration when creating the arch so that patients are always left with a smile that looks completely natural.
Diet has played a large role in explaining evolutionary changes in facial shape. The earliest human ancestors ate tough plant foods that required large jaw muscles and cheek teeth to break down, and their faces were correspondingly broad and deep, with massive muscle attachment areas.
These landmarks were chosen for their high reliability and ability to provide adequate facial shape. The landmarks were located on the face by the same investigator.
"I've had patients bring in selfies and say, 'I want to look better than my selfies,'" or come in with filtered photos and "want to change their facial shape, make their teeth brighter, make a blemish go away," says Neelam Vashi, assistant professor of dermatology and director of BU's Center for Ethnic Skin and its Cosmetic and Laser Center.
Each frame features responsive nose pads that adapt to the wearer's facial shape and pre-adjusted tips, which Charmant said is ideal for long-wear.
Dogs like Pugs, English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs with a more flattened facial shape (known as Brachycephalic breeds) are especially susceptible.
Clearly on the face there is a correlation between the facial shape and the angular measurements determined in the frontal and lateral direction.
They also had problems accepting the accompanying change in facial shape. However dental bridges used for restoration can fix these problems very easily.