Euphrates River

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Related to Euphrates River: Mesopotamia
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Noun1.Euphrates River - a river in southwestern AsiaEuphrates River - a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia
Al-Iraq, Irak, Iraq, Republic of Iraq - a republic in the Middle East in western Asia; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq
Syria, Syrian Arab Republic - an Asian republic in the Middle East at the east end of the Mediterranean; site of some of the world's most ancient centers of civilization
Republic of Turkey, Turkey - a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923
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References in periodicals archive ?
ANKARA, Sept 5 (KUNA) -- Turkey will start to apply its own plan of action by the end of September to establish a safe zone in northern Syria, east of the Euphrates River, Turkey's president said Thursday.
BAGHDAD / NINA /- The Joint forces began the fourth day of the Will Of Victory operations to search the areas south of the Euphrates River and Wadi Houran in Anbar.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Turkish land troops are expected to enter East of the Euphrates River very soon, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday.
A Syrian government oil vessel came under attack recently while traveling through the eastern region of the Euphrates River Valley.
Damascus, SANA -- A convoy of Kurdish combat units withdrew on Wednesday from Menbej area in Aleppo's northeastern countryside to the eastern bank of the Euphrates River as part of an agreement for restoring normal life to the north of the country.
"We are determined to ensure stability and security east of the Euphrates River [in Syria].
REUTERS/George Ourfalian LONDON - 30 December 2017: Fierce clashes erupted between the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Daesh terrorist group on the eastern banks of Euphrates River in the outskirts of Deir Ezzor, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Saturday.
US-backed fighters pierced jihadist-held Raqqa from the south for the first time on Sunday, crossing the Euphrates River to enter a new part of the Syrian city, a monitor said, writes The Guardian.
Disturbing footage on social media appears to show dozens of terrified Iraqis fleeing for their lives by swimming across the Euphrates River.
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Council of Ministers agreedto increase the electricity share of Thi-Qar province and recalculate its percentage, as well as to increase releases of water to improve water quality of the Euphrates River.
Controversy has arisen in Iraq surrounding an agreement Damascus signed with Baghdad over the Euphrates River, unnamed Syrian sources said on Thursday, according to the pan-Arab daily ASHARQ AL AWSAT on Friday.