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n.1.(Eccl. Hist.) One of the followers of Thomas Erastus, a German physician and theologian of the 16th century. He held that the punishment of all offenses should be referred to the civil power, and that holy communion was open to all. In the present day, an Erastian is one who would see the church placed entirely under the control of the State.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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High-Church Horsley uses Erastian, Whig, low-church Hoadly as an argument on authority and a redefinition of what "High Church" means.
John Jewel and the English National Church: The Dilemma of an Erastian Reformer.
The Movement, on the one hand, wanted to free the Church of England from the Erastian control of the government and, on the other hand, to revitalize the Church's apostolic traditions.
Schaffer, Erastian and Sectarian Arguments in Religiously Affiliated American Law Schools, 45 Stan.
Coupled with his strongly Erastian understanding of the relationship between spiritual and temporal authority, this understanding of matters indifferent allowed him to prosper in spite of his predestinarian views (238).
Cathleen Kaveny, Erastian and High Church Approaches to the Law: The Jurisprudential Categories of Robert E.
(31.) The younger John Locke shared similar views with Thomas Hobbes on an Erastian arrangement, wherein religion is subservient to the state for the sake of civil peace and order.
As a committed Evangelical who was deeply engaged in the works of the erastian [sic] Ecclesiastical Commission, the High Church and Anglo-Catholics treated him with suspicion.
With respect to the latter issue, Ballor argues that Musculus belonged to a line of the Reformed tradition (which may be termed "Erastian") distinct from Calvin's two-kingdoms or "Genevan" model.
(53) Just as this insight can be used by religious parties to pursue their policies or spread their beliefs, it also underlies his own recommendation for an Erastian project in which a sovereign will establish its authority over religious factions.
Clause theory, namely that the Framers "disclaimed the Erastian
supplemented the authority of the propertied over the people.' (19) In historical terms, this arrangement brokered an uneasy compromise between the Erastian or Lutheran view that the government of the church belonged to the civil magistrate, and the High Church (quasi-Catholic) claim that the church possessed an apostolic authority independent of the secular state.