

the state, quality, or degree of being dilute
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Further, we did not evaluate total water or protein intake, which could be common causes of urine diluteness and anthropometric measures (Krieger et al.
Epstein adeptly breaks down complex concepts so that even the scientifically challenged can appreciate them, such as "climate sensitivity," or the problems of diluteness and intermittency that make wind and solar power non-viable alternatives for modern industrial society.
against national actors, the problem of causal diluteness still looms
The curse of football is usually blamed for the untamed transgression of its fans, but the recent volatile situation was a blessing in the sense that it was an eye-opener to Egyptians, revealing the diluteness of Arab feelings and highlighting the ill feelings of some Arab people towards Egyptians.Aa
Urinary diluteness and serum lipid concentrations can vary between individuals as a result of recent water or dietary fat intake.
In epidemiologic studies of environmental contaminants measured in urine, investigators adjust for creatinine or specific gravity to correct for variations in urine diluteness at the time of measurement (Barr et al.
This is the commonly used creatinine standardization method, which reflects the assumption that creatinine levels are inversely proportional to urinary diluteness.
This method should specifically control the covariate-independent, short-term multiplicative effect of hydration on urinary diluteness.