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1. (Biography) Sir Clifford. 1907–82, English pianist
2. (Biography) George Nathaniel, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston. 1859–1925, British Conservative statesman; viceroy of India (1898–1905)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkɜr zən)

George Nathaniel, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston, 1859–1925, British viceroy of India 1899–1905.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Bound to Thomas Curzon, hosier, Golden Fleece, Aldgate.
Mr Tappertit waved his grizzly truncheon as an admonition to him not to interrupt, and ordered three black crosses to the name of Curzon.
The Library of Lord Goring's House in Curzon Street.
Some three or four years after his stay in Paris, when Rawdon Crawley and his wife were established in a very small comfortable house in Curzon Street, May Fair, there was scarcely one of the numerous friends whom they entertained at dinner that did not ask the above question regarding them.
Crawley came to London: and it is at their house in Curzon Street, May Fair, that they really showed the skill which must be possessed by those who would live on the resources above named.
My dear nieces--you know the Saville girls, don't you?--such nice domestic creatures--plain, dreadfully plain, but so good-- well, they're always at the window doing fancy work, and making ugly things for the poor, which I think so useful of them in these dreadful socialistic days, and this terrible woman has taken a house in Curzon Street, right opposite them--such a respectable street, too!
Some one who pitied me was kind enough to tell me what every one in London knows already-- your daily visits to Curzon Street, your mad infatuation, the monstrous sums of money you squander on this infamous woman!
Hughling Elliot imposed silence upon his section of the audience by his fascinating anecdote of Lord Curzon and the undergraduate's bicycle.
(38.) For example, Curzon's chapter relating his journey from Teheran to Isfahan not only describes the topography, cities, shrines, and people along the route, but also the manufactures and trade he encountered, the character of the provincial government, and the Christian community and missionaries at Julfa.
Anthony Johnson was full of praise for the way his and Bernard Morley's Chester FC side approached the second half in their 3-1 win at Curzon Ashton on Monday night.
A planning application has been submitted to the city council to completely remodel Curzon Circle and Garrison Circus on the Lawley Middleway ring road.
The changes are needed to accommodate additional traffic generated by the construction of HS2 and the Curzon the construction Street terminus as well as new traffic patterns following the opening of Curzon Street Station.