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a.1.Saturnian; - applied to the North Polar Sea.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
As when two Polar Winds blowing adverse Upon the CRONIAN Sea, together drive Mountains of Ice, that stop th' imagin'd way Beyond PETSORA Eastward, to the rich CATHAIAN Coast.
The app is developed by Cronian Labs, a technology and mobile startups incubator.
This island was described by a Greek traveller and geographer Pytheas of Massalia (320-285 B.C.) as the one to the North from the British Islands at a distance of 6-day travelling; after one more additional day you will see the frozen Cronian Sea.
The application, unveiled by Romanian company Cronian Labs, enables its users to click photos of their moles to find out if they are likely to be cancerous.
Darren Cronian, from the popular Travel Rants Blog, said: "Don't take the advertised price of a holiday at face value.
"A lot of people are looking to cut costs and book flights and hotels themselves, but there are pitfalls to be aware of," says travel expert Darren Cronian. There's no point saving a few euro if you spend the holiday worried the kids will fall in the unfenced pool, or you can't sleep because there's a nightclub next door to the hotel.
Terrorism, through its driving ideology, is here seen as a Cronian figure: a father who devours his own children.