

(Dancing) See Sir Roger de Coverley
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Spectator, the chief member of the Club was Sir Roger de Coverley. "His great-grandfather was inventor of that famous country dance which is called after him.
Sir Roger de Coverley. The Coverley Papers, edited by O.
He patted children on the head like Sir Roger de Coverley going to church, he spoke to people in the background by their Christian names, he condescended to all present, and seemed for their consolation to walk encircled by the legend in golden characters, 'Be comforted, my people!
The sort of man who knew his business better than you or I could have told it him.) struck up Sir Roger de Coverley.' Then old Fezziwig stood out to dance with Mrs Fezziwig.
But Solomon was already impatient to prelude again, and presently broke with much spirit into "Sir Roger de Coverley", at which there was a sound of chairs pushed back, and laughing voices.
He takes off his long-flapped coat, and stands up in a long- flapped waistcoat, which Sir Roger de Coverley might have worn when it was new, picks out a stick, and is ready for Master Joe, who loses no time, but begins his old game, whack, whack, whack, trying to break down the old man's guard by sheer strength.
But there are plenty of likeable characters like Hugh Laurie's Major de Coverley, more interested in music, whiskey, golf and food than war, and Grant Heslov as straight-talking Doc Daneeka.
In the second half Andrews saw a shot cleared off the line after Leek keeper Danny Roberts had beaten out a sweetlystruck | Director of football Neil Coverley effort from Lassana Mendes, and Woods was unlucky with an angled shot that struck the post and rebounded clear.
The plans cover 37 Coverley Road, in the Hylton Castle area - with previous uses including a retail space and more recently, a community workshop.
14 May 2013 - Cizzle Biotechnology Ltd, a spin-off company from the UK University of York, and US-based Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc will jointly develop a blood test, intended for detection of early-stage lung cancers, Cizzle's chief scientist Dr Dawn Coverley of the University of York told news provider The Press.
Fascinator, Debenhams; dress Aqua by Aqua; jacket, Warehouse; necklace, Zara; shoes, Christian Louboutin; bag, Accessorize Code: 050413RaceFash-11 Lydia Coverley, 30, from North Wales.
FORMER Bradley Park Golf Club professional Jamie Coverley has been appointed to the Head Office as part of Direct Golf UK's re-structuring.