Conservative Jew

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Related to Conservative Jew: Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Conservative Jew - Jew who keeps some requirements of Mosaic law but adapts others to suit modern circumstances
Conservative Judaism - Jews who keep some of the requirements of the Mosaic law but allow for adaptation of other requirements (as some of the dietary laws) to fit modern circumstances
Jew, Hebrew, Israelite - a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties
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References in periodicals archive ?
Under the influence of Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law who is a conservative Jew, the United States has already taken actions that were unthinkable in the past.
Both kids are enrolled at a pricey yeshiva school paid for by Alden's dad, a conservative Jew who faults his son for (among many other things) straying from the faith.
Chelsea, 30, who is Methodist, is to marry her hedge fund manager beau Marc Mezvinsky, 32, a Conservative Jew, in a three million dollar (approximate cost) wedding in Rhinebeck, a quaint rural weekend getaway in New York's Hudson Valley.
Participants were selected if they self-identified as a Conservative Jew on the demographic form and had at least one Jewish parent.
Senator Joseph Lieberman, an independent senator from Connecticut and a conservative Jew, shares McCain's position on Iraq and campaigned in south Florida July 20-21 on behalf of McCain.
I believe that all three elements combined provide a workable lens onto the Torah for a Conservative Jew. We need to maintain multiple portals of entry to the study of Torah, and indeed each person will be attracted to a different aspect of the volume.
I hope that I am not overly influenced by the fact that I am a Conservative Jew when I say this, but I believe that Or Chadash, the commentary by Rabbi Reuven Hammer, on the Conservative prayerbook, is one of the best things to come out of the Conservative movement in a long time.
Nevertheless, notes historian Paul Gottfried (a Conservative Jew), the ADL and similar organizations "appeal successfully to their donor base by evoking the specter of Christian traditionalists.
Bean himself is a conservative Jew and argues his film, inspired by the true story of a Jewish neo-Nazi who killed himself when the truth was exposed, is a hymn to Judaism.
Rabbi Moses Birnbaum, a Conservative Jew spiritual leader of the Plainview Jewish Center, joined Jeanne Head, R.N., National Right to Life's representative at the UN and a member of NRLC's executive committee, and Maria McFadden, editor of Human Life Review, to discuss the specific legislative issues of partial-birth abortion, parental notification, and informed consent.
Joe Lieberman, a conservative Jew who is the Democrats' VP candidate, challenged Bush's energy proposals, given Bush's personal links to the oil industry.

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