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 (kō-ăs′ər-vāt′, kō′ə-sûr′vĭt)
A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid.
Of or relating to a cluster of droplets.
tr.v. co·ac·er·vated, co·ac·er·vat·ing, co·ac·er·vates
To cause to form a coacervate.

[From Latin coacervātus, past participle of coacervāre, to heap together : co-, co- + acervāre, to heap (from acervus, a heap).]

co·ac′er·va′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


 the result of piling or heaping things together; an accumulation; a mass—Wilkes.
Examples: coacervation of proofs, 1852; of texts, 1641; of tough humours, 1650.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Coacervation has been used as a microencapsulation technique in a number of industries for a wide range of applications including pharmaceuticals, food products, chemicals, cosmetics and controlled release of various types of substances (ALVIM & GROSSO, 2010).
Among the techniques used for microencapsulation, complex coacervation has been the most applied method in lipophilic substances.
Using simple coacervation and lyophilization techniques, chitosan solutions with 0.5%, 1% and 2% (w/v) nHA concentrations were used to obtain lyophilized spherical scaffolds of 1.33 mm (n = 25) mean diameter.
Coacervation, solvent evaporation, and spray drying are examples of technique used in producing microcapsules that are robust enough to withstand external forces and allowing them to be implanted using needles or catheters for drug delivery to target organs.
Soy protein nanoparticles can be prepared by addition of either desolvation agents or glycinin fraction of defatted soy flour extraction using simple coacervation method.
CS based nano-particles/fibers, hydrogels and membranes have been formulated to embed bioactive moieties (hydrophilic, hydrophobic and macromolecules), due to the specific tissue targeting and, sustained/controlled release [15] Ionic gelation technique, among multiple preparation methods comprising complex coacervation, ionotropic gelation, self-assembly method through chemical modification, solvent evaporation/diffusion, and emulsion-droplet coalescence, is preferred for its convenience, relative simplicity, and the rid of organic solvents and high temperatures [16].
Droplet stability is secured by a complex coacervation process which combines two polymers interacting together in the manner of "molecular velcro tapes" to form an evanescent membrane.
gelatin) nanoparticles and polysaccharide based nanoparticles and the common methods for the preparation of such nanostructures include emulsification, desolvation, coacervation and electrospray drying.