Citrus reticulata

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Related to Citrus reticulata: Citrus aurantium, mandarin orange tree
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Noun1.Citrus reticulata - shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removedCitrus reticulata - shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia
mandarin orange, mandarin - a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China
genus Citrus - orange; lemon; lime; etc.
citrus tree, citrus - any of numerous tropical usually thorny evergreen trees of the genus Citrus having leathery evergreen leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits having leathery aromatic rinds
tangerine, tangerine tree - a variety of mandarin orange
clementine, clementine tree - a variety of mandarin orange that is grown around the Mediterranean and in South Africa
satsuma, satsuma tree - a variety of mandarin orange
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References in periodicals archive ?
Osbeck), 'Ponkan' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and other sweet orange cultivars (C.
What fruit has the Latin name Citrus Reticulata? 8.
These municipalities have favorable soil and climate conditions for the growth of subtropical fruits and account for 50% of the apple production (Malus domestica Borkh) and 60% of the tangerine production (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in the state of Parana, Brazil (Andrade, 2015).
En cafetales de SM el estrato superior lo conformo Myrsine coriacea y Eugenia malacensis (9-10 m) y el estrato inferior Musa AAB, Citrus sinensis y Citrus reticulata (5-8,5 m).
valencia (Naranja valencia) Citrus jambhiri 1/3 3 0.500 6 12 (Limon rugoso) Citrus paradisi 2/3 8 2.145 17 1 8.39 (Pomelo) Citrus reticulata 3/4 27 0.710 17 20 52.11 (Mandarina) SAPOTACEAE Pouteria lucuma 1/4 3 0.220 3 13.64 (Lucuma) Hospedantes Especies Viabilidad (%) ANACARDIACEAE Mangifera indica A.
Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) is an economically important fruit for farmers of the inter-Andean valleys of Ecuador, South America.
tackled the optimal conditions of heat treatment (HT) and HT coupled with preservative treatment for Ponkan fruit (Citrus reticulata Blanco cv.
Soil-Plant heavy metal relations and transfer factor index of habitats densely distributed with Citrus reticulata L.
The 'Ponkan' tangerine (Citrus reticulata, Blanco) is one of the main citrus species produced in Brazil, with great consumer acceptance due to its sweet taste, easy peeling and expressive size when compared to other tangerines found in the market (Vale et al., 2006).