Chinese water torture

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Chinese water torture

a form of torture in which water is made to drip for a long period of time onto a victim's forehead to drive him insane
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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21, 1912, magician Harry Houdini first publicly performed his so-called Chinese Water Torture Cell trick at the Circus Busch in Berlin, escaping after being immersed upside-down in a vertical water tank, his ankles secured in a set of stocks which made up the tank lid, which was locked into place.
The alternative, eking out his central contract in county cricket, is Chinese water torture.
Two highlights of the show will be Carolyn Roberts and her stable of Andalucian stallions and the new Houdini trying to escape from the Chinese water torture cell.
The Chinese Water Torture Cell: Being locked in a box and submerged in a tank of water.
The conventional wisdom on Wall Street is that the Fed will continue with its own form of Chinese water torture. Only the terminally insane or the congenitally optimistic think that the Fed won't continue raising short-term interest rates a quarter of a point every time it meets from now till the end of the year Here are several reasons why the Fed may have a lot less to do this year when it comes to raising rates.
The display spotlights the career of Harry Houdini, the most famous showman of all time and includes a model of the death defying escape act, Chinese Water Torture Cell.
The abuse that is happening to us via the Chinese water torture that is this presidency is more damaging than anything, to my mind, that could be in the Mueller report.
Our driver looked like he had undergone the Chinese water torture, where they blindfold you and drip one drop of water at a time, on your forehead.
It was reported in the Western Mail that for the first time the British public would be able to see Houdini escape from "the Chinese Water Torture Cell" and he was quoted as saying that the act was first performed in Berlin in 1912 and that the idea had first come to him when he had previously appeared in Cardiff.
It was like the drip, drip of Chinese water torture and I never mastered the instrument.