Capitol Building

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Noun1.Capitol Building - the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meetCapitol Building - the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet
American capital, capital of the United States, Washington, Washington D.C. - the capital of the United States in the District of Columbia and a tourist mecca; George Washington commissioned Charles L'Enfant to lay out the city in 1791
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Referred to by native Mississippians as the "New Capitol," Mississippi's State Capitol building will celebrate its 100th birthday June 3.
Clockwise from top, the National Capitol Building is covered in a February snowstorm during the DAV's 2003 Mid-Winter Conference.
Continue until you reach the Capitol building. Collect the letter.
Riley led a march from Charleston to Columbia to protest the flying of the Confederate flag on top of the State Capitol building. Mayor Riley organized the march in South Carolina supporting an effort to remove the Confederate flag from the State Capitol building.
San Miguel's fund-raising has been novel: two years ago the troupe danced at the steps of the Capitol building to attract legislative interest.
This `Day of Acknowledgment' drew some 600 people to the Capitol building. In a formal and moving ceremony in the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House and the Senate President signed the resolutions, and the Governor a proclamation with the same wording.
Kenny had to access some pipe through a few existing manholes actually located in the Capitol building, as well as through manholes outside.
In 2004, newly proclaimed President Macapagal-Arroyo staged her inauguration at the Cebu Provincial Capitol Building, making her the first President to take her oath in the Visayas.
Vandalia Statehouse is the oldest surviving capitol building in Illinois.
Speaker Bhofal Chambers says China remains one of Liberia's top development partners, during a recent meeting with a Chinese parliamentary delegation here to Liberia.According to a press release, Speaker Chambers furthers that Liberians are grateful to China for the level of achievement made, saying there are several development projects that Liberians can point to, solely done by China.The meeting was held in the new Capitol Building, House of Representatives Wing Annex, constructed by the People's Republic of China.
"The new capitol building is an essential part of trailblazing operations and reforms in our provincial governance.

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