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or ca·no·pic  (kə-nō′pĭk, -nŏp′ĭk)
Of, relating to, or being an ancient Egyptian vase, urn, or jar used to hold the viscera of an embalmed body.

[After Canopus1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In 2018, the Egyptian-American archaeological mission in the Assasif region held a similar exhibition to display the findings of the mission's excavations in the region, which included the canopic pots of Lady Aminardis, which were used for mummification.
Other projects have included sets of stoneware canopic jars and amulets which were created for Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
Growing up in Swansea, he became aware of some of the local links to the tragedy: several of those who drowned are buried in Swansea, and the Canopic tea rooms, once a popular place for tea and refreshments in Mumbles, were furnished with reclaimed interiors from one of Titanic's sister White Star Liner ships, the Canopic, which would have been in service at the same time as the doomed ship.
The team also found painted wooden cobra and crocodile sarcophagi, a collection of gilded statues depicting animal features, as well as objects including amulets, canopic jars, writing tools and papyri baskets.
Ancient Egyptian Art (Sarcophagi, Cartouche, Canopic Jars, Masks ...)
Our first activity involved us observing and handling real Ancient Egyptian artefacts such as the lid of a canopic jar and shabti.
The showcased artefacts include a collection of several shapes and sizes of clay pots and canopic jars, as well as coins, statues, tombstones, offering tables, and jewellery.
His self-monumentalizing evokes the massive basalt statues of Pharaohs from the early dynasties; the urn refers to canopic jars inside which the organs of the mummified dead were placed.
The entire process took seventy days to complete, and began with the removal of the lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines, all of which were desiccated and placed in individual vessels called canopic jars (Ritner, 1997).
Neil Silberblatt's poems have appeared, or will be appearing soon, in numerous journals, including Poetica Magazine, The Otter, The Aurorean, Two Bridges Review, Oddball Magazine, Verse Wisconsin, Muddy River Poetry Review, Nixes Mate Review, Naugatuck River Review, Chantarelle's Notebook, Canopic Jar, First Literary Review-East, and The Good Men Project.
"From its glorious 300-word first sentence to the stately canopic imagery of its climactic scenes, Mend the Living mimics the rhythm of the processes it depicts - the troughs and peaks of grief and protocol, of skills utilised and acceptance finally achieved," wrote Guardian reviewer MJohn Harrison.
Preserving and wrapping a dead body was meant to prepare the dead for the afterlife, and the process included removing and storing internal organs in canopic jars, including the lungs, liver, stomach and intestines.