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(Italian kampaˈnɛlla)
(Biography) Tommaso. 1568–1639, Italian philosopher and Dominican friar. During his imprisonment by the Spaniards (1599–1626) he wrote his celebrated utopian fantasy, La città del sole
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References in classic literature ?
We pored together over such works as the Ververt et Chartreuse of Gresset; the Belphegor of Machiavelli; the Heaven and Hell of Swedenborg; the Subterranean Voyage of Nicholas Klimm by Holberg; the Chiromancy of Robert Flud, of Jean D'Indagine, and of De la Chambre; the Journey into the Blue Distance of Tieck; and the City of the Sun by Campanella. One favourite volume was a small octavo edition of the Directorium Inquisitorum, by the Dominican Eymeric de Gironne; and there were passages in Pomponius Mela, about the old African Satyrs and OEgipans, over which Usher would sit dreaming for hours.
Campanella Children's Choir traveled to New York City, from June 7-10, to participate in the 2019 National Children's Festival Chorus at Carnegie Hall.
The negligence case was brought by plaintiff Elizabeth Campanella, who was 16 when the wreck happened.
This latest collection of articles from geographer Richard Campanella provides an accessible work that emphasizes how fluidity marks New Orleans, from the built environment and neighborhoods to migration and culture.
The 2009 Oscar best foreign language film from Argentina, Juan Jose Campanella's 'The Secret in Their Eyes' (El secreto de sus ojos), will be screened on Aug.
TV and film star Joseph Campanella has died this week at the age of 93, after six decades of acting in some of the biggest television series.
Sponsored by Homeschool Now USA, National School Choice Week has grown from 150 events in 2011 to over 21,000 in 2017, according to Andrew Campanella, president of National School Choice Week.
Asking for the co-packer's portfolio and seeing the plant, shared Angelo Campanella, vice president, US channel development, Club Coffee, Arlington Heights, Illinois, is a great way to gauge whether the co-packer can help you achieve your goals.
Within 15 days of closing of the agreement, Nicholas Campanella, director and CEO of Sun Pacific Power Corp., shall enter into a settlement of certain debts owed by Sun Pacific Power Corp.
Campanella as its senior vice president, treasurer and chief financial officer and as executive vice president and chief financial officer for the company's lead subsidiary Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, effective September 5, 2017.
Campanella, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Kinderhook Bank and the company, has announced his plans to leave the organization in order to accept a position with a larger financial institution.