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Noun1.Caesalpinioideae - alternative name in some classification systems for the family Caesalpiniaceae
rosid dicot family - a family of dicotyledonous plants
Fabaceae, family Fabaceae, family Leguminosae, legume family, Leguminosae, pea family - a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods; divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae; Mimosaceae; Papilionaceae
Caesalpinia, genus Caesalpinia - small spiny tropical trees or shrubs; includes the small genus or subgenus Poinciana
Acrocarpus, genus Acrocarpus - small genus of trees of Indonesia and Malaysia
Bauhinia, genus Bauhinia - mountain ebony, orchid tree
Brachystegia, genus Brachystegia - small genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black:
genus Cassia, Cassia - some genus Cassia species often classified as members of the genus Senna or genus Chamaecrista
Cercidium, genus Cercidium - spiny shrubs or small trees sometimes placed in genus Parkinsonia: paloverde
Chamaecrista, genus Chamaecrista - genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs having sensitive leaves and suddenly dehiscing pods; some species placed in genus Cassia
Delonix, genus Delonix - evergreen or deciduous trees of tropical Africa and India
genus Gleditsia, Gleditsia - deciduous trees: honey locusts
genus Gymnocladus, Gymnocladus - small genus of deciduous trees of China and United States having paniculate flowers and thick pulpy pods
genus Haematoxylon, genus Haematoxylum, Haematoxylon, Haematoxylum - small genus of tropical American spiny bushy shrubs or trees
genus Parkinsonia, Parkinsonia - small genus of spiny shrubs or small trees
genus Petteria, Petteria - one species: Dalmatian laburnum
genus Senna - genus of shrubs and trees and herbs many of which are often classified as members of the genus Cassia
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References in periodicals archive ?
Effectiveness of a protected areas network in the conservation of Tamarindus indica (Leguminosea- Caesalpinioideae) in Benin.
Senna alata es un arbusto de la familia Fabaceae, subfamilia Caesalpinioideae, usada como planta ornamental y arbol medicinal (tratamiento de afecciones de la piel).
Cassiafistula (L.) Golden shower tree (Caesalpinioideae) 33.
Avaliacao de metodos de escarificacao na superacao de dormencia de Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae).
Hepatoencephalopathy sindrome due toCassia occidentalis (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) seed ingestion in horses.
Modelling the spatial distribution of endemic Caesalpinioideae in Central Africa, a contribution to the evaluation of actual protected areas in the region.
Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), a new host plant for Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Flatidae).
Fabaceae, present in the Brazilian biodiversity, is considered the third largest family of plants, which has about 19,500 species [1], and it is divided into three subfamilies: Mimosoideae, Caesalpinioideae, and Papilionoideae, and it shows a common feature in almost all fruits and vegetables, known as pods [2].
Tradicionalmente, la familia Leguminosae se ha dividido en tres subfamilias: Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae y Papilionoideae (Lewis et al., 2005).