Bush warbler

(Zool.) any American warbler of the genus Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

See also: Warbler

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In Kargil, Dalvi spotted the Longbilled Bush Warbler which has not been seen in a breeding ground in India since 1977.
The Japanese Bush warbler (Cettia diphone or Uguiso in Japanese) is a bird commonly found throughout Japan.
There is little research on the song of the Japanese Bush warbler. In particular, there is no research on changes in Japanese Bush warbler songs during their lifetime.
We can thus conclude that Suzuki's use of the Japanese Bush warbler as an example to prove that musical ability is not inborn is faulty.
in Japanese is referred to the excrement produced by a nightingale called Japanese bush warbler (
Behavioral function of the anomalous song in the bush warbler. Korean J.
Song type for intrasexual interaction in the bush warbler. Auk, 117:228-232.
And the bottoms producing top-dollar doo-doo apparently belong to Japanese nightingales - tiny bush warblers farmed only on the island of Kyushu.