Buffalo wallow

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Buffalo wallow

After buffalo (actually bison) rolled in the dirt several times in the same spot, a depression a few inches deep and several feet across would develop. These depressions were called buffalo wallows and remained long after the bison were gone from the area.
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A few months later, Dixon was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service as an Army scout in the lesser-known Buffalo Wallow Fight, during which he, another Army scout, and four troopers were attacked and wounded by a band of Comanche and Kiowa warriors but held them at bay and survived the fight.
The company has acquired around 118,000 gross acres (85,000 net acres) in the Greater Buffalo Wallow and East Texas/North Louisiana areas in US.
The Bulldoggers Club series continues with Book 2, "The Tale of the Tainted Buffalo Wallow" and Book 3, "The Tale of the Disappearing Herd", which are forthcoming in Fall 2013 and Spring 2014, respectively.
The company will acquire around 118,000 gross acres (85,000 net acres) in the Greater Buffalo Wallow and East Texas/North Louisiana areas in US.
Some related sidebars topics include the cinnamon colored buffalo calf coat, bison and Native Americans, the difference between "Buffalo" and "Bison," wolves, camping on the prairie, prairie plants, prairie dogs, buffalo wallows, bull fights, pregnancy, breeding cycle, the developing digestive system of the young bison, the prairie winter and survival, springtime on the prairie, and the future of American Prairie Reserve.
While I drove, he continually plotted forgotten settlements, old ranch headquarters, abandoned farms and still-visible buffalo wallows on a 1:20,000 topographical map.
For conserving water, which is becoming a costly and scarce commodity, mechanized construction is generally adopted for compacting banks of water courses, lining leaky sections, installing pucca naccas, providing sufficient culverts, buffalo wallows, structures for farm development, initial rough land leveling and final precision land leveling of command areas.
The effect of spring burning on vegetation in buffalo wallows. Bull.
He was left out in the boonies for days with no water and drank out of buffalo wallows because his tongue was so swollen it would not fit in his mouth from lack of moisture.
He slows the bus alongside six or seven buffalo wallows, unused for more than 100 years.
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