budgie smugglers

Also found in: Idioms.

budgie smugglers

pl n
slang Austral men's close-fitting swimming trunks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Respondents were on average charged over PS40 for the pleasure of taking a few extra bikinis and budgie smugglers in their luggage.
Meanwhile, Jason competed for England in the 1990 Commonweath Games in the 10 metre, 3 metre and 1 metre diving competitions in a pair of budgie smugglers that showed off his Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
This necessitates a hasty trip to the supermarket to buy three pairs of "budgie smugglers" (fellow bathers will be struggling to "unsee" me for years to come).
While it remains to be seen whether we will see the 32-year-old slipping behind the wheel of 007's new electric Aston Martin, I don't imagine he will be in as much of a rush to slip into Daniel Craig's famous blue budgie smugglers.
It works for me because it's not spandex or budgie smugglers. And wrestling is very much theatre.
Reid "Because you've got to have the right clothes; you can't go up in a pair of budgie smugglers to go to the North Pole!" "It's when they tell you you've got to get rabies shots beforehand, you know something dodgy is going to happen," Rory jokes.
"Because you've got to have the right clothes - you can't go up in a pair of budgie smugglers to go to the North Pole!" "It's when they tell you you've got to get rabies shots beforehand, you know something dodgy is going to happen," Reid jokes.
Apparently there's no better way to unwind than to stick on a pair of budgie smugglers and stew in a bubble bath full of your own grime.
We reported on a peculiar crime story last week, one which brought a whole new meaning to the phrase 'budgie smugglers'.
It's so wrong, but it's wonderful" - The Duke of Sussex on being presented with a pair of tight swimming trunks - known as "budgie smugglers" - during his Australian tour.
And it appears as though it wasn't just Kate there with her mother, elder brother Oliver Hudson, 41, also made an appearance in budgie smugglers that read his name.