
Related to Brast: blast
v. t. & i.1.To burst.
And both his yën braste out of his face.
- Chaucer.
Dreadfull furies which their chains have brast.
- Spenser.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He said that in trying to escape from him I sprang into the top of a tree two hundred cubits high at a single bound, but he dislodged me with a stone the size of a cow, which "all-to brast" the most of my bones, and then swore me to appear at Arthur's court for sentence.
Then turning to the fire James seized the tongs, "and under his feet he mightily brast up a blank of the chamber,"* and leaping down into the vault beneath he let the plank fall again into its place.
But rather than moving into a psychoanalytically overdetermined dream vision as we might expect, the narrator of The Series declares that he must "brast out" and set forth the source of his melancholy directly in the form of a "compleinte," or it will turn him old and grey (35-36).
/ Hell gloummy gates I have brast oape." (36) Essentially, Shakespeare combines the first two lines of the play (as if to signal his source) with another two lines from further in, chosen to reflect the speaker, Bottom, and the situation.
(2.) Fiets WC, Blankenstein MA, Struikmans H, Ruitenberg HM, Nortier JW: The prognostic value of hormone receptor detection by enzyme immunoassay and immunohistochemistry: a prospective study in patients with early brast cancer.
(2009) Lojaliteten som brast. Partipressen i Norge fra senit til fall 1945-2000, Pressehistoriske skrifter no.
(28) Tween wynd and wawe his barge almost brast (l.
Ejlertsen et al., "Histological grade and steroid receptor content of primary brast cancer--impact on prognosis and possible modes of action," British Journal of Cancer, vol.
(Swedish Book Review 102) Da steg en mjaltsjuk svartalf opp, och plotsligt bet sig den svarte vid mitt hjarta fast: och se, pa en gang allt blev tomt och odsligt, och sol och stjarnor morknade i hast: mitt landskap, nyss sa glatt, lag morkt och hostligt, lund blev, var blomsterstangel brast. All livskraft dog I mitt forfrusna sinne, Allt mod, all gladje vissnade darinne.
Again, her own writings provide the best evidence of what the oration later describes, in an echo of Norfolk's response, as 'immoderate desire' which 'brast out from hir many times many words disclosing it' ([J3.sup.r]).