Bone dust

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ground or pulverized bones, used as a fertilizer.
- Am. Cyc.

See also: Bone

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Several irrigation procedures were performed to remove residues of bone dust and remnant tissue from the mastoid cavity.
Craniotomies were done using burr holes which were later filled with bone dust (Fig.1B).
He even examined a skeleton hanging in a high school gymnasium and collected bone dust from skeletons at the Smithsonian and in Los Angeles.
(6) El-Begermy and Rabie report a series of 7 patients who underwent the repair of a high dehiscent jugular bulb with multilayer reconstruction, including bone dust, perichondrium, and tragal cartilage.
It is a good idea to wear a mask while using a handsaw or bandsaw to cut bones, as you should not breathe in bone dust.
The pathogenesis of HO formation is unknown; however, HO formation may be associated with bone dust and appreciable bleeding that occur during total hip arthroplasty.
Traditionally, a combination of bone dust, fat, temporalis fascia, perichondrium and bone wax are used to repair the fistula.
In the simulator the trainee uses both hands, one for drilling and the other to remove the resulting bone dust through rinsing and suction (Sewell et al., 2007).
The majority of abattoirs use warm water (30-60[degrees]C) for washing, which has no decontaminating effect and is used to remove bone dust, blood colts and blood splashes (Sheridan, 1998; Doherty et al., 1999).
Fear and Tenderness consists of "cast and carved de-carbonized bone dust, bone calcium, military-issued glass eyes for wounded soldiers coated with ground trinitite (glass produced during the first atomic test explosion, when heat from the blast melted surrounding sand), fragments of a soldier's personal mirror salvaged from a battlefield, soldier's uniform material and thread from various wars, melted bullet lead and shrapnel from various wars, fragment of a soldier's letter home, woven human hair of a war widow, bittersweet leaves, soldier-made clay marbles, battlefield dirt, cast bronze teeth, dried rosebuds, porcupine quill, excavated dog tags, rust, velvet, walnut."
The SRC also guarantees improved results in longer shelf life (no bone dust).