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Related to Blazars: Quasars


 (blā′zär′, -sär′, -zər, -sər)
A compact, extremely bright, active galactic nucleus characterized by strong and rapid changes in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted over a very broad range of frequencies ranging from radio waves to gamma rays. Although the source of blazar energy is the material surrounding a super-massive black hole at the galaxy center, much of the blazar luminosity originates in powerful jets of material moving along the line of sight toward Earth at near light speed.

[Coined by Edward A. Spiegel (1931-2010), American astronomer, as a blend (influenced by blaze) of BL Lac object, a type of blazar once thought to be a variable star (after BL Lacertae, a blazar in Lacerta), and quasar.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a type of galaxy supplying more radiation than a quasar
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Ajello and postdoctoral fellow Vaidehi Paliya analyzed almost nine years of data pertaining to gamma-ray signals from 739 blazars.
Oddly, scientists haven't detected neutrinos from flaring blazars much closer to Earth, such as Mkn 425 and Mkn 501.
"Energetic particles may originate in jets spewing forth from supermassive black holes - astrophysical objects dubbed blazars because of the blazingly bright light they emit toward Earth," the researchers explained in a statement.
Blazars show some extreme properties, such as violently optical variability, core dominance, and superluminal motion [1, 2].
Samimi, "On the hadronic beam model of TeV [gamma]-ray flares from blazars," Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol.
The two supermassive black holes discovered are at the center of, and power, extremely bright objects - in the same class as quasars and blazars - called active galactic nuclei.
These accelerators include supernova remnants and active galaxies known as blazars that shoot out blasts of particles.
Abstract: Blazars are radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) that are characterized by intense and rapid variability across the electromagnetic spectrum.
From blazars to thunderstorms, from dark matter to supernova remnants, catch the highlights of NASA Fermi's first five years in space.
The prior catalogues produced by Fermi contain literally thousands of gamma-ray emitters in the far-flung cosmos, corresponding to objects such as blazars and active galactic nuclei - both associated with black holes snacking at the centres of galaxies - or pulsars, fast-spinning neutron stars that flash our neighbourhood like a distant lighthouse.
Personally I [JT] have seen flickering visually in several dwarf novae and blazars but U Gem is the only object where I have seen it occur on multiple occasions.